Our specialised chefs are constantly cooking up new and exciting recipes. We'll keep you updated on our blog with new and exciting products we can create in various food categories; from food to go to premium ready meals.
What is it like to work in development? Development is exciting, fast moving, challenging, and rewarding from when the infant product is approved and through the various stages until first production and customer satisfaction achieved. We have seven sites that are all active in both new and existing product and process development and with the help of operations, we will deliver many new...
Across our seven factory sites in the UK, we have a huge team which all work together to create our delicious products. We wanted to give you a greater insight into the job role that keeps all the clogs in motion and the food being made on such a large scale, successfully and safely; our engineers. If you’re looking to apply for an engineer role or train to be one in the future, we thought you...